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Register for a cooking class or culinary experience

Use the below form to either register for a scheduled cooking class or culinary experience, or to request a private class or MasterClass. Check out the price list for an overview of all Teresa's classes and experiences.


Once submitted, Teresa will be in touch by email to confirm your registration & to provide you with further information - including instructions for payment.


NB for classes scheduled within the next 48hrs please ask Teresa directly via WhatsApp on +39 338 230 1898

Your information

Your class, course or experience

Additional details

Please provide any information on dietary needs, allergies or any other important details.


For those requesting a Private Class or MasterClass please provide information about what you would like to learn, ideal time periods/days, if this is a special occasion etc.


For those requesting a Gift Card, please provide name of recipient, amount of gift card and occasion. For those redeeming a Gift Card please quote the code.

Thank you for registering! Teresa will be in touch within 48hrs to confirm your booking and to provide a payment link

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